Help Native Fish Society and local River Steward Russ Ricketts identify, assess and conserve critical cold-water habitats for threatened salmon, steelhead and trout in Washington’s Wenatchee River.
Native Fish Society is seeking $20,000 to support the identification and assessment of cold-water refuges in an important stronghold for threatened and endangered fish in Washington’s upper Wenatchee River basin. Your contribution to this project will develop a science-based foundation for prioritizing actions that will protect essential cold-water habitats for sensitive populations of Chinook, sockeye and coho salmon, summer steelhead, bull and cutthroat trout, and Pacific Lamprey in the Wenatchee River.
Once they complete this project, NFS will present this information to local public and private stakeholders to enable land and fish managers to prioritize future habitat enhancements, land purchases, and other conservation measures that will contribute to the long-term survival of imperiled native fish species in the basin.
Head to and select ‘Wenatchee Watershed Cold Water Campaign’ to support this campaign.
Check out their campaign webpage.