Run Wild Run Free is the story of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act as told through the past, the present and the future of this monumental legislation that protects wild rivers. 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the Act and we will share the story of how grass roots activism spread across the country, protecting 8 protected rivers when the Act was passed, and growing to the 208 rivers that are protected today. This film is meant to be a tool for river enthusiasts across the country and world to gain inspiration and education on how they can protect their home waters as well as aiding in the 5000 Miles of Wild campaign to designate 5000 more miles of Wild and Scenic Rivers across the Country from Washington’s Olympic Peninsula to North Carolina’s Nolichucky.
Pacific Rivers needs your support to complete this important film project and share it with thousands of other citizens. Your contribution will help celebrate America’s Wild Rivers and inspire river lovers to get involved in the fight to save America’s most cherished rivers.
LINK (via: Pacific Rivers)