This week, on the lower Snake River, the reservoir behind the Ice Harbor Dam registered the highest water temperature at 71.98°F on July 18 – over 3 degrees above the 68°F “harm” threshold set to protect salmon and steelhead from extinction.
The current returns for wild Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook, steelhead, and sockeye are much closer to extinction than recovery.
The four federal dams and their reservoirs on the lower Snake River remain the main obstacle to recovery. The rising temperatures caused by these stagnant reservoirs and reductions in snowpack in recent decades due to climate change contribute to lower survival and reproductive success for already endangered salmon and steelhead.
Restoring a free-flowing lower Snake River through dam removal is our most significant river and salmon restoration opportunity to stop salmon extinction, save Southern Resident orcas, uphold our nation’s promises to Tribes, and provide a brighter Northwest future for our region’s economy, culture, environment, and justice.