The story of Tantalus has been, since its Greek origins, a consistently applicable metaphor for the human condition. Tantalus angered the gods by trying to feed them the flesh of his own son, passed off as ambrosia. For this, he was chained to the bottom of a lake that reached to his chin. With luscious grapes drooping from vines above his nose, starving Tantalus was unable to enjoy either food or drink, as they were pulled away whenever he reached.
Automata and kinetic sculpture artist Chris Fitch uses engineering to create repeated moments in time. Named for Tantalus, the fish-themed piece, Tantalus Mackerel, follows a frustrated fish trying to catch a bug.
The piece is accompanied by Maria Callas singing O mio babbino caro from Giacomo Puccini‘s Gianni Schicchi.
(via: The Kids Should See This)